Saturday, November 23, 2013

7th graders are up and running with their art class. Parents - your children have a sketchbook assignment every Monday. They have the complete list of sketchbook assignments for the entire quarter. They are allowed to work ahead and even do extra credit. These are an important part of their learning process as it teaches them problem solving, time management, visualizing, creativity and much more. Students also have to have each assignment signed by a parent as I feel it is important for parents to see how their children are progressing and all the talent our school possesses!
7th graders are in the process of learning color theory. They are creating color wheels by mixing the 3 primary colors to create all other colors. They are also learning about tints (white) and shades (black), and also color terminology - all in preparation for their painting unit. They seem to be enjoying this unit and are working very hard.

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